The development of BigDAWG was supported by the Intel Science and Technology Center (ISTC) for Big Data. The authors also wish to thank collaborators as Brown University, University of Washington, Portland State University, Universtiy of Tennessee and Intel for their collaboration.
There are a number of people involved in developing the current version of the codebase:
Adam Dziezdzic
Aaron Elmore
Vijay Gadepally
Jeremy Kepner
Kyle O'Brien
Sam Madden
Timothy Mattson
Jennie Rogers
Mike Stonebraker
Zuohao She
We are fortunate to have a number of collaborators who have helped us along the way:
Justin Anderson, MIT CSAIL
Magdalena Balazinska, University of Washington
Leilani Battle, MIT CSAIL
Al Carter, MIT CSAIL
Ugur Cetintemel, Brown University
Peinan Chen, MIT CSAIL
Ankush Gupta, MIT CSAIL
Brandon Haynes, University of Washington
Jeffrey Heer, University of Washington
Bill Howe, University of Washington
Tim Kraska, Brown University
David Maier, Portland State University
Stavros Papadopoulos, Intel
Jeff Parkhurst, Intel
Surabhi Ravishankar, Northwestern University
Ran Tan, North Carolina State University
Nesime Tatbul, Intel and MIT
Kristin Tufte, Portland State University
Manasi Vartak, MIT CSAIL
Katherine Yu, MIT CSAIL
Stan Zdonik, Brown University